Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Here are the pictures for this year's Newspaper Challenge Paper Attire!  This year it was offered as an elective.  The students drew up their designs and then, armed with tape and a stapler, they went to work.  Here you can see their amazing creations.  Follow the link, click on the image, and then click 'slideshow' to view them all! ----->
 click here to see awesome newspaper dresses!

In collaboration with their Unit on Expression, the K/1's really expressed themselves well when they first learned about abstract expressionism, and then collaborated to create a giant AbEx painting!  Check it out in timelapse here------------>

K/1 AbEx collaborative painting - timelapse link

Keep watching! Here we are in the WildWalk Parade this year...Look for all the big and little owls and several mice hiding from them....

click on the link---->

WildWalk Parade 2014 link

Monday, April 22, 2013

The 8th Graders made some incredible clothing out of Newspaper!!  Most of them decided to make a newspaper dress for their friend, who then modeled it, except Gus of course, who made himself a newspaper vest with an orange newspaper flower boutineer.
Click on the link below to go to the web album, then click on the "slideshow" link, upper right side to see what they came up with! ....

SLIDESHOW for 8th Grade NEWSPAPER ATTIRE CHALLENGE!!!-https://plus.google.com/photos/104336951236012172029/albums/5869877976068936897?authkey=CKrgntzg_JbCDQ


Monday, January 28, 2013

What a busy and fun time it has been this winter!

The 3-4 yr. old preschoolers were looking into caring for animals, and about animals.  In collaboration with this, we created little papier mache' eggs to go with their chickens, and they made twirly hanging snakes.  They've made 'junk' prints to look at different shapes and discovering how they print.  Just recently, in collaboration with their newest unit, looking into the different ways in which people express themselves, they watched a short video of a boy using sign language to express a poem about the moon while a narrater read it, and then they made brayer paings and used stencils of the moon to create beautiful paintings.

The 4-5 preschoolers have been studying families and different families around the world, so in collaboration with this, we made family collages on house shapes to create a representation of their own family.  Then they made little people out of recycled tp tubes and pipr cleaners and feathers, and thought about how people are related.

The K/1 classes have been studying houses and where and how different people live, and so we have been thinking about houses in art.  They thought about caves and cave people and the cave drawings that were done so long ago in what were the first houses.  They saw a video that showed lots of cave drawings, and then they made their own 'cave drawings' thinking about symbols and how they can make a story with pictures.  And now, continuing with the house idea, they making colorful, whimsical drawings of neighborhoods with oil pastel and watercolor paints.

In collaboration with their classroom study of the Rainforest, the 2/3 grade classes drew and colored in their individual Rainforest animals, and added them to the beautiful murals they made. Now they are learning about and creating self-portraits in the style of the artist Amadeos Modigliani, and they're coming out great!!  I can't wait to hang them in the hallways!

The 4/5th graders have recently been working on self portraits as well and learning about facial propportions, and thinking about themselves.  In collaboration with their unit looking into heros real and imagined, the students are thinking of the hero qualities that they possess and adding those words to their drawings...

The middle schoolers have been quite busy this semester as well, and I have included a link to view a slideshow, with captions for explanations, showing what they've all been up too!
Select the following link, and then click on 'slideshow' in the upper left corner.....

click here to see the art of the Middle School Artists!